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This image depicts a person who regret buying a house.

Regret Buying A House in the UK? Here Are 8 Things You Can Do Now

Strategies to avoid home buyer’s remorse and make a confident home investment decision. 

Are you experiencing regret after buying your home? You are not alone. Numerous people in the UK view buying a home as a significant milestone. However, even with meticulous planning and research, home buyers may still encounter regret, anxiety, or dissatisfaction when or after making this critical financial decision. This phenomenon is known as home buyer’s remorse, and it can be caused by various factors, leaving them overwhelmed and uncertain about their decision.

A survey by YouGov revealed that over 42% of homeowners regret not paying closer attention to certain aspects of the home they purchased. While it is normal to regret buying a house, we suggest understanding its causes and implications to practically and effectively address your regret. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what home buyer’s remorse is, how to avoid it before purchase, and how to deal with it constructively after purchase.

What is home buyer’s remorse?

Home buyer’s remorse is a common feeling of regret, anxiety, or dissatisfaction that many individuals, couples, or families experience after purchasing a home.

It can manifest in several ways, such as feeling uneasy about the financial commitment, being dissatisfied with the property, or regretting the decision to buy in the first place.

While home buyers’ remorse manifests differently for everyone, here are some common reasons:

For some people, home buyer’s remorse is a passing feeling that goes away over time as they adjust to their new living situation. 

For others, it can be a persistent feeling that negatively impacts their mental health. They may constantly question their decisions, feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities, or even experience physical symptoms, such as constant headaches, irrational fear, and sleep disturbance.

3 ways to avoid home buyer’s remorse before buying a house

When you’re in the process of buying a home, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement and make a decision you may later regret. But by taking measures to avoid it before the purchase, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

Comprehensive research for current times and the future

Researching the neighbourhood and home’s resale value thoroughly is crucial to making an informed decision. Here’s what you can do:

  • Schedule visits at varying times of the day.
  • Assess the local community and people.
  • Inspect the orientation of the house.
  • Assess home price trends in the locality.
  • Consider the region’s long-term development plans.
  • Check the crime statistics in the neighbourhood.

Read: 5 hidden factors that affect the value of a property.

Proper inspections before buying a home

Getting a home inspection is also essential to preventing home buyer’s remorse. A comprehensive evaluation can uncover defects in the dwelling that may not be obvious to the untrained eye.

Consider hiring a specialised inspector for specific issues, such as pest infestations or structural damage. Based on the inspection results, discuss repairs or reducing the property price with the seller so that you don’t have to spend additional money after you purchase the home. 

Moreover, if you want to get a better sense of the area’s climate and noise levels, we suggest staying in an Airbnb in the neighbourhood and speaking to your neighbours to get a feel for the area before making a final decision.

Rent-to-buy to avoid home buyer’s remorse

Rent-to-buy options have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially because they help home buyers avoid buyer’s remorse.

The idea behind rent-to-buy options is that potential buyers rent a property for a set period, typically 1-3 years, with the option to buy it at the end of the lease term. This allows buyers to test the waters before committing to a long-term mortgage and provides them with flexibility and a chance to save up for a down payment.

As with any significant financial decision, it is important to carefully consider all alternatives and consult with several professionals before committing to your house. Because buying a home is a significant investment, it is essential to get it right.

8 things to do when you regret buying a house

Despite careful research, inspections, and trials, sometimes things don’t go as planned. You could pay a huge amount of money or commit to a long-term mortgage for a house that you don’t enjoy living in anymore.

But what can you do if you experience home buyer’s remorse? Here are 8 things you can do to address the issue and find a resolution to your current problem.

Acknowledge the problem you are facing

The first step in addressing a home buyer’s remorse is acknowledging that you have a problem. This can be difficult, especially if you feel like you made a mistake or are embarrassed to admit your feelings.

However, it’s important to face your emotions head-on and be honest with yourself about how you’re feeling. We suggest talking to your friends and family to better verbalise your problem and see if they can provide any insights that may help you.

Identify the reason for remorse

Your reason for remorse could be anything from financial worries to maintenance and repair issues, discomfort with the location, or lifestyle changes that affect the home.

Once you understand the problem, you can explore potential solutions, such as reworking your budget, selling the house, or making changes to the house to make it feel more like your own.

Remind yourself why you bought it

When regret sets in, it can be tough to shake the feeling off. To combat this, remind yourself why you bought the home in the first place. Focus on the positive aspects of the house, such as its location or potential, to distract yourself from any negative feelings that keep resurfacing.

If it’s a long-term problem, you can think of other ways to make things right.

Create or find joy in your home

Memories you make at home matter most. Instead of focusing on imperfections, focus on the memories you want to create.

Spending time with your loved ones, filling the house with laughter, and making meaningful connections with your home can help you appreciate it more. In the end, it’s not about living in a perfect home – but living a happy and fulfilling life.

Rework your budget and re-prioritise

Buying a home can lead to changes in your financial situation, which is why it’s important to rework your budget. You may need to cut back on certain expenses, such as going out or taking big vacations, to free up more money.

However, you don’t have to give up everything you enjoy. Finding a balance between spending and saving can give you the breathing space you need.


Redecorating or renovating your home can go a long way towards combating buyer’s remorse. This doesn’t have to involve expensive renovations or upgrades. Sometimes, small changes, like painting a room or adding new flowers to your yard, can make a big difference in how you feel about your home.

The more you do to personalise your space, the more you will feel like you belong in it.

Consult professional advisors or agents

Seek advice from a professional, such as a financial advisor or real estate agent.

A financial advisor can help you review your budget and find ways to ease any financial concerns you may have.

Meanwhile, a real estate agent can help you explore your options for selling the property or finding solutions to any issues with the property.

It’s important to note that either option can be a lengthy and stressful process, so it’s essential to be prepared for potential challenges.

Consider selling or renting the house

Sometimes, the best way to address the home buyer’s remorse is to either sell or rent the house.

While selling the house may seem like a drastic step, holding onto a property that is causing you stress and financial strain may not be the best option in the long run.

If it is possible, renting out a portion of the house can provide you with a steady source of income, which can help you pay off your mortgage and cover other expenses.

As you are going through such a challenging and emotional experience, it’s important to remember that there are steps you can take to address the issue and find a resolution. Be patient with yourself and your family while you take control of your situation and find a way out of this situation.

Ready to buy a house? Here’s how we can help you!

A beautiful picture of a flat's interior, which is a nice option for any looking to buy a house.

With our rent-to-buy scheme, you can try the house before you buy it.

The problem with buyer’s remorse is that it comes later as problems reveal themselves.

Nearby schools may be unsuitable for kids. Travelling to work or your favourite places may take more time than you initially thought. Neighbours could turn out to be problematic.

But by renting the property for a while, you can collect all this information with the option to stay or find a better option. There is no place for buyer’s remorse in our housing solution. 

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